Annual Meeting & More
Posted on Aug 18th, 2020

August 17th, 2020
Greetings to you all!
First off, I hope you are having an enjoyable summer! The weather in Bayfield has been absolutely fantastic and despite the COVID pandemic and all of the changes that we are experiencing day to day, it’s great to see so many of you out and about. On behalf of the WOTB Board of Directors, we wanted to update you on a few important details.
1. Mark your calendars for our annual meeting to be held on Saturday, September 26th at 9AM. The meeting will be held at the Pikes Bay Clubhouse. Masks will be required and we will do our best with social distancing.
2. We assembled a Landscape Committee last year and they have put together a plan for our property. We have a lot of overgrown shrubbery, bushes, trees, etc. that have not been properly maintained over several years. You may have seen Dee Johnson, Suz Thompson, Lynnie Bruen and Mary Pat Ferraro out touring the property and marking shrubs, bushes, etc. Starting in September, we will be updating the landscaping on the entire property. This will include removing dead shrubs/bushes, removing overgrown items, replacing removed items with new flowering/low maintenance options, and doing major trimming on other items that just need to be maintained. We also will be contracting with a local Landscape company to maintain the property consistently going forward. A very big thank you to Dee, Suz, Lynnie and Mary Pat for their time and efforts to keep WOTB looking beautiful!
3. A friendly reminder to please keep your pets leashed at all times while on WOTB property along with picking up after your pet. This also goes for visitors with pets who are on property.
4. If anyone is interested in serving on the Board, please let me know. We will have an opening starting at the end of September as Bob Hansen will be selling his condo, which is currently listed for sale.
Stay safe and healthy and we look forward to seeing you on September 26th at the Annual Meeting.
Sheri Lewis
Waterford on the Bay Board President
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